3rd Trimester Guide: Development, Nutrition Exercise Advice
What is a Trimester?
Trimester is a term that divides the nine-month period of pregnancy into three equal periods. Each trimester lasts about three months and represents different stages of pregnancy. These periods are the times when important changes and developmental stages are experienced for both the mother and the developing baby.
Each trimester offers unique development and challenges for both mother and baby. Each stage of pregnancy is important for the baby to grow and develop in a healthy way. Doctor checkups and healthy lifestyle choices are particularly important during these periods.
1. Trimester (1-12. Weeks)
- Time Period: From the first day of pregnancy to the end of week 12.
- Main Developments: During this period, the baby grows rapidly and basic organ systems begin to form. Heartbeats begin and the external genital organs begin to develop. This is also one of the most critical periods because the vast majority of them are at risk of pregnancy losses during this period.
- Common Symptoms: Early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue, frequent urination, and sensitivity in the breasts occur during this period.
2. Trimester (13-26. Weeks)
- Time Interval: From the 13th week of pregnancy to the end of the 26th week.
- Main Developments: The baby grows more and starts to make more pronounced movements. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is formed, and the baby becomes able to react to the sounds of the outside world. This period is usually the most comfortable time period for pregnant women.
- Common Symptoms: This trimester is generally considered the “honeymoon period” of pregnancy, as many women notice positive changes, such as an increase in energy level and reduced morning sickness.
3. Trimester (27-40. Weeks or Until Birth)
- Time Interval: From week 27 of pregnancy to birth.
- Main Developments: During this period, the baby completes the last stages of growth and development. The lungs and other vital organs mature for childbirth. The baby takes the birth position.
- Common Symptoms: Symptoms such as back pain, swelling of the legs, frequent urination, shortness of breath and indigestion are common. This period can be more physically challenging as the baby grows and the birth approaches.
Pregnancy Calculation
Want to know how long your pregnancy has passed so far and your estimated date of birth? Discover the important milestones of your pregnancy with our Pregnancy Calculation tool. Using this simple tool, you can quickly and easily calculate the dates you need to know during your pregnancy process.
How to Use?
- Enter the 'Date of Conception' field on the day your pregnancy began (usually considered the first day of your last menstrual period).
- Click the 'Calculate the Date of Birth' button.
- Instantly get the current week of your pregnancy and your estimated date of birth.
3. Body Changes and Disorders in Trimester?
Abdominal Growth and Weight Gain: With the growth of the baby, a more significant growth and weight gain in the abdomen is observed. Weight gain during this period can usually be faster.
Back and Low Back Pain: Increased weight and growth in the abdomen can cause back and waist pain. Especially in the lower part of the lower waist, the feeling of pressure and discomfort are common.
Heartburn and Indigestion: As the uterus grows, the more the stomach gets stuck, which can increase digestive problems such as heartburn and indigestion.
Constipation: Hormonal changes and growing uterus can slow the movements of the intestines and cause constipation.
Bloating and Edema: Edema can be seen, especially in the ankles and feet. During this period, blood circulation slows down and fluid retention in the body may increase.
Insomnia: Finding a comfortable sleep can be difficult. Factors such as frequent urination, back and abdominal pains can contribute to insomnia.
Migraine and Headaches: The risk of migraine attacks due to hormonal changes and stress may increase.
Respiratory Problems: The growing uterus can push the diaphragm and cause respiratory problems.
Cramps and Leg Pains: Cramps and pains can be seen frequently, especially at night, in the legs.
Hemorrhoids: It can cause swelling and pain in the anus area due to constipation and increased blood circulation.
Varicose veins: Varicose veins may occur in the legs and genital area due to slowing blood circulation and increased pressure.
These symptoms may vary from woman to woman during pregnancy and each woman's experience may be different. However, these symptoms are common for many in the last trimester.
Baby's Development: What's Happening in the Last Trimester?
Baby Size and Weight: In the last trimester, the baby continues to grow rapidly. At week 27, it usually weighs about 900 grams and can be 35 cm long. At week 40, it weighs about 3-4 kilograms and can be 50 cm long.
Organ Development and Functions: The baby's organs continue to mature in the last trimester. The lungs develop for more breathing, the kidneys begin to produce more urine, and the brain develops more.
Skin and Fat Tank: The baby's skin becomes thicker and fat tanks form under it. These fat stores help the baby maintain heat and provide energy when he is born.
Head and Scalp: The baby's head grows rapidly in the last trimester. Since the skull bones are not yet fully merged, they are more flexible during childbirth. The scalp is also thicker and can produce more hair.
Movement and Position: The baby continues to move actively in the last trimester. During this period, the baby usually takes an upside down position, but in some cases it can sit on the pelvis or be in the opposite position.
Eyes and Eye Colors: Baby's eyes open in the last trimester and can now react to light. However, eye color may not be noticeable for several months after birth.
Respiratory and Digestive Systems: In the last trimester, the baby's respiratory and digestive systems become even more mature. The baby drinks and urinates the amniotic fluid, which contributes to the development of the lungs and kidneys.
Reflexes: The baby may have some basic reflexes in the last trimester. For example, the sucking reflex and the reflex of trying to palm your hand or an object.
Adaptation Cycles: The baby may begin to experience adaptation cycles in the last trimester. It can develop more regular sleep and wake cycles.
Rapid Eye Movements (REM) Sleep: The baby may receive REM sleep, which is associated with dreaming in the last trimester. This is important for the baby's brain development.
In this process, the baby's development continues rapidly and this development continues until the last weeks. However, each baby's development may be different and this information provides general guidance.
Birth Preparations and Planning
Creating a Birth Plan: It is important to create a birth plan towards the end of the pregnancy process. The birth plan includes preferred topics and requests during childbirth. This can help to make the birth process more controlled and comfortable.
Place of Birth Selection: The place of birth (home birth, birth center or hospital) must be determined. It should be considered which option best suits personal preferences and medical requirements.
Delivery Equipment and Materials: It is important to prepare the equipment and materials that may be needed during the birth process. This may include materials such as hospital bag preparation, birth ball, warming pads.
Birth Classes and Trainings: By participating in childbirth classes, it may be beneficial to have information about the birth process and to receive prenatal education. These classes may include topics such as childbirth techniques, breathing exercises, pain management, and breastfeeding.
Birth Partner and Support: The role and support of the birth partner is important in the birth process. It is important to agree with the birth partner on the birth plan and communicate with how they can support.
Pain Management Options: Pain management is important during the birth process. In addition to options such as epidural anesthesia, natural pain management techniques and positions should also be evaluated.
Postpartum Care Plan: It is important to create a care plan for the postpartum period. It should include issues such as baby care, breastfeeding, emotional support and physical healing.
Emergency Plan: It is important to create a plan for emergencies. It is vital to draw up a plan for possible complications or unexpected situations and communicate with the maternity team.
Preparation for Birth Date: As we approach the date of birth, it is important to arrange work and other commitments, plan transportation, and organize the support network.
Emotional and Spiritual Preparation: It is also important to prepare for the birth process emotionally and spiritually. Practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, prenatal massage can support this process.
These birth preparations and planning can make the birth experience more controlled, comfortable and safe. However, each birth experience is unique and it is important to be flexible for unexpected situations.
Nutrition and Exercise Recommendations
Balanced Nutrition: It is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy. A good diet supports the healthy development of the baby and maintains the energy levels of the expectant mother. A diet with more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein sources and healthy fats should be preferred.
Liquid Consumption: It is important to drink enough water during pregnancy. Consuming at least 8-10 glasses of water daily provides hydration of the body and supports digestive system health.
Pregnancy Vitamins and Supplements: It is necessary to take important vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin D during pregnancy. These supplements support the healthy development of the baby and compensate for any deficiencies that may occur during pregnancy.
Avoiding Heavy Foods: Heavy, fatty and processed foods should be avoided during pregnancy. Instead, lighter, nutritious and easy-to-digest foods should be preferred.
Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption: Caffeine and alcohol consumption should be limited during pregnancy. While excessive caffeine intake can cause developmental problems in the baby, alcohol consumption can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome.
Exercise and Activity: Exercising regularly during pregnancy is important for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, light aerobic exercises and pregnancy yoga should be preferred. However, exercise should be done without overdoing it and in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.
Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can help prevent problems such as urinary incontinence during and after birth. Pelvic floor exercises such as Kegel exercises are recommended during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Exercises and Yoga: Pregnancy exercises and pregnancy yoga classes stretch the body, strengthen muscles and reduce stress. It also teaches relaxing and breathing techniques during childbirth.
Suitable Clothes and Shoes: It is important to wear comfortable and supportive clothing when exercising. Choosing especially suitable shoes can help prevent foot and back pain.
Rest and Recovery: It is important to take time to rest and recover the body while exercising. Exercising without overdoing it and neglecting rest protects the body's energy levels and reduces stress.
These nutrition and exercise recommendations support a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy and help the expectant mother feel good. However, since each pregnancy is different, it is important to feed and exercise in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.
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Sleep and Relaxation Techniques
Sleep Position: Lying on your left side during pregnancy can increase blood flow and the amount of oxygen that goes to your baby. Lying on your back can interfere with blood flow, so lying on your back should be avoided.
Relaxing Breathing Techniques: Deep and slow breathing relaxes the body and mind. It is important to breathe through the abdomen while breathing, not to inflate the rib cage.
Pregnancy Pillows: Special pregnancy pillows can support the sleeping position and provide relief to the back, waist and hip. Pregnancy pillows can be used to provide support under the abdomen and under the back.
Hot Shower or Tub: It can be useful to take a hot shower or a warm bath in the bathtub to relax and relax the muscles. However, prolonged exposure to hot water should be avoided.
Massage and Yoga: Light massage can reduce muscle tension and help relax. Pregnancy yoga classes stretch the body and reduce stress.
Meditation and Mindfulness: Meditation and mindfulness practices calm the mind, relieve stress, and can facilitate the transition to sleep. Simple breath-oriented meditations are frequently preferred during pregnancy.
Natural Sleep Aids: Natural sleep aids such as herbal teas, lavender oil can be used. However, a doctor should be consulted before the use of these products.
Creating a Sleep Routine: Creating a similar sleep routine every night prepares the body to sleep. For example, eating a light meal, doing a relaxing activity and reading a book for a few minutes in low light can improve sleep quality.
Stress Management: Stress can cause sleep problems. Activities such as breathing exercises, meditation, walking can be done to reduce stress. In addition, writing stressful thoughts in a notebook can also provide relief.
Environmental Adjustment: It is important to create a suitable sleeping environment. Sleeping in a dark, quiet and cool environment can improve sleep quality.
These sleep and relaxation techniques support relaxation and a better sleep experience during pregnancy. However, since each pregnancy is different, it should be applied according to personal needs and the doctor's recommendations.
Work, Vacation and Social Interaction: The Recent Balance of Life
Work Balance: In the last trimester, it is important to maintain the balance of pregnancy with work life. If necessary, options such as flexible work arrangements, remote work opportunities or permission use can be evaluated.
Maternity Leave and Rights: It is important to have information about maternity leave and the rights of expectant mothers. Knowing what legal rights are is important to achieve the balance between work and pregnancy.
Vacation Plans and Travel: There may not be a good time to travel or take a vacation in the last trimester. Long-distance travel and excessive activities should be avoided, travel plans should also be shared with the doctor.
Time to Relax and Enjoy at Home: It is important to relax and relax at home in the last trimester. Activities such as reading books, watching movies, hobbyists can help to have a pleasant time during pregnancy.
Social Interaction and Support Groups: It is important to spend time with friends, family members or other pregnant women during pregnancy. Joining support groups, sharing similar experiences, and receiving emotional support can be helpful.
Fun Activities and Hobbies: Physical activities may be limited in the last trimester, but doing fun and light activities can improve mood. For example, light walks, picnics, handicrafts or hobbies such as painting can be preferred.
Prenatal Preparation and Training: Participating in prenatal training in the last trimester provides knowledge about childbirth and baby care. Prenatal trainings prepare mother and father for childbirth and baby care.
Emotional and Spiritual Support: Emotional and spiritual support is important during pregnancy. Getting a partner, family, friends or professional support can help maintain emotional balance.
Daily Routine and Planning: Organizing your daily routines and plans is important to maintain balance in the final trimester. Creating a balanced time plan between work, rest, exercise, nutrition and other activities can be beneficial.
Preparation and Organization: It is important to complete the preparations for childbirth and baby in the last trimester. Preparing baby items, preparing the hospital bag and reviewing the birth plan are important steps to ensure the recent balance of life.
These strategies can be used to achieve life balance in the last trimester and to make the pregnancy period more enjoyable and healthy. However, since each pregnancy experience is different, it is important to adapt to personal needs and the doctor's recommendations.
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Spiritual and Emotional Changes in Pregnancy
Pregnancy Symptoms and Emotional Changes: Pregnancy symptoms, hormonal changes and physical disorders can affect the emotional state. Among the common symptoms during this period may include nausea, fatigue, tenderness, emotional fluctuations and anxiety.
Feeling of Mother and Responsibility: With pregnancy, the sense of responsibility for being a mother and baby care may increase in expectant mothers. Concerns, anxieties and uncertainties about the baby can be emotionally challenging.
Partner and Relationship Dynamics: Relationship dynamics with the partner may change during pregnancy. The support, communication and emotional intimacy of the partner to pregnancy are important. However, sometimes it can be difficult to understand and adapt in this process.
Physical Changes and Self-Perception: Changes in the body during pregnancy can affect women's self-perception. Increase in weight, abdominal growth and hormonal changes can create new feelings and thoughts about the body.
Mother and Baby Bond: During pregnancy, the bond between mother and baby begins to get stronger. Feeling the baby's movements, seeing ultrasound images and making preparations for childbirth can increase this bond.
Past Experiences and Emotional Effects: Past experiences can affect emotional responses and stress levels during pregnancy. Previous pregnancy losses, birth experiences, or family history can cause emotionally sensitiveness.
Hormonal Changes and Mental Health: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can have an effect on mental health. Hormonal fluctuations can lead to problems such as depression, anxiety and mood swings. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to emotional well-being during pregnancy.
Emotional Support and Counseling: It is important to receive emotional support during pregnancy. Family, friends or professional counseling services can help cope with emotional difficulties.
Pre-Pregnancy Expectations and Facts: During pregnancy, expectant mothers may sometimes experience differences between pre-pregnancy expectations and reality. This can cause an emotionally complex process.
Developing Preparation and Empathy: During pregnancy, expectant mothers can prepare to strengthen their relationship with their babies and strengthen their emotional bond. Learning about developing empathy and babycare can help them become more emotionally strong and prepared.
These spiritual and emotional changes are a natural part of the pregnancy process. However, it is important to get support for the management of negative emotions and stress. Seeking professional help is important to support emotional health and experience the period of pregnancy in a more positive way.
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Prenatal Education and Preparation Classes
Physiology and Process of Childbirth: Prenatal education classes provide basic information about the physiology and process of childbirth. Issues such as stages of childbirth, contraction and opening, birth positions and natural birth techniques are discussed.
Breathing and Relaxation Techniques: Breathing and relaxation techniques that can be used during pregnancy are taught. Techniques such as deep breathing, relaxation exercises and meditation can help manage pain during childbirth.
Pain Management Options: Prenatal education classes give information about pain management options. Options such as epidural anesthesia, natural pain management techniques, water birth are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.
Creating a Birth Plan: Prenatal education classes highlight the importance of creating a birth plan. It provides guidance to expectant mothers to determine the subjects, interventions and wishes they prefer during childbirth.
Breastfeeding Techniques and Management: Provides information about prenatal training classes, breastfeeding techniques, and management. How to breastfeed the baby, what you can do to increase milk production and the difficulties you may encounter during the breastfeeding process are discussed.
Newborn Care and First Aid: Prenatal education classes include newborn care and first aid topics. Information is given about the baby's basic needs, bathing, feeding the baby, the baby's sleep pattern and basic first aid techniques.
Postnatal Recovery and Care: Prenatal training classes also focus on postnatal recovery and care. Issues such as postpartum physical changes, perineal care, postpartum period and the mother's mental health are discussed.
Hospital and Place of Birth Tour: Prenatal training classes can also organize a hospital or birthplace tour. Expectant mothers are informed about birth rooms, pre- and postnatal services, birth process and hospital personnel.
Postnatal Support and Groups: Prenatal education classes emphasize the importance of postnatal support and groups. Expectant mothers are provided with information about resources such as postpartum emotional support, breastfeeding groups, postpartum exercise classes.
Q&A and Communication: Prenatal education classes take the time to answer and communicate with the questions of expectant mothers. Prenatal concerns, fears and lack of knowledge are addressed and clarified.
These prenatal education and preparation classes inform, support and give confidence to expectant mothers about childbirth and baby care. However, since each pregnancy is different, it is important to choose a program according to personal needs and preferences.
Recent Risks and Warning Signs
Risks of Premature Birth: In the last trimester, the risk of premature birth may increase. Premature birth can have negative effects on the baby's health. Expectant mothers should learn to recognize signs of premature birth and take measures to prevent premature birth.
High Blood Pressure and Preeclampsia: The risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia may increase in the last trimester. High blood pressure and preeclampsia can endanger the mother and baby. Signs of high blood pressure and warning signs of preeclampsia should be monitored and reported to the doctor.
Pregnancy Diabetes: The risk of gestational diabetes may increase in the last trimester. Gestational diabetes can have negative effects on the baby's health. High blood sugar levels, symptoms of gestational diabetes and treatment options should be followed.
Placenta Problems: Placenta problems can cause serious complications in the last trimester. Conditions such as placenta previa, premature detachment of the placenta or dysfunction of the placenta should be monitored and reported to the doctor.
Decreased Fetal Movements: A decrease in the baby's movements may be a warning sign in the last trimester. Reduced fetal movements can be of concern to the baby's health and a doctor should be consulted immediately.
Water Saddle Problems: Water sac problems in the last trimester can affect the health of the baby. Amniotic fluid reduction or water sac problems can adversely affect the development of the baby and these conditions should be reported to the doctor.
Abdominal Pain and Bloating: Severe abdominal pain and bloating in the last trimester can be a sign of a serious complication. It may indicate problems such as especially regular and severe abdominal pain, premature birth, preeclampsia or placental problems.
Excessive Bleeding: The risk of excessive bleeding may increase in the last trimester. Symptoms of bleeding other than excessive vaginal bleeding or vaginal bleeding may require immediate medical intervention and should be consulted by a doctor immediately.
Poisoning and Infections: The risk of poisoning or infection may increase in the last trimester. Food poisoning, urinary tract infection or other infections may affect the health of the mother and baby and require treatment.
Psychosocial Risks: Psychosocial risks may increase in the last trimester. Stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional problems can affect the health of the mother and baby during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to seek psychosocial support and help.
These risks and warning signs include important issues that expectant mothers should pay attention to during pregnancy. Immediately reporting any alarming signs or symptoms to the doctor is important to maintain the health of the mother and baby.
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Relationship and Support Dynamics with Partner in the End of Pregnancy
Open Communication: Open and healthy communication between partners in the last period of pregnancy is very important. Talking about the physical and emotional needs of the expectant mother, sharing feelings and supporting each other can strengthen the relationship.
Empathy and Understanding: Empathy and understanding between partners make it easier to cope with changes during pregnancy. The fact that partners try to understand each other's feelings and support them emotionally strengthen the relationship.
Practical Support: Practical support is important in the last period of pregnancy. The partner can support the expectant mother by sharing tasks such as helping with housework, preparing baby items, shopping.
Accompanying and Participation: The partner can support the expectant mother by accompanying pregnancy-related doctor appointments and attending prenatal training classes. This allows the partner to participate more actively in the birth process.
Emotional Support: Emotional support is very important in the last period of pregnancy. The partner should take the time to understand and support the emotional fluctuations of the expectant mother. When stressed or anxious, it is important to be around the partner and listen.
Sexuality and Intimacy: Sexuality and intimacy issues are important in the last period of pregnancy. It is important to understand how sexual intercourse is affected with the expectant mother and to establish intimacy in alternative ways. In accordance with the information received from the doctor, it is important to talk about the safety of sexual intercourse.
Birth Plan and Decisions: Birth plan and decisions require collaboration and joint decision-making between partners. By joining prenatal training classes together, creating a birth plan and discussing prenatal interventions strengthens the relationship.
Father and Mother Roles: In the last period of pregnancy, preparation for father and mother roles is important. Talking about father and mother roles between partners, sharing expectations and responsibilities strengthens the relationship.
Time Allocation and Hobby Sharing: The fact that partners spend time together during pregnancy and share hobbies strengthens the relationship. It is important to go for a walk together, watch a movie or do other activities where they can have a good time together.
Postpartum Support and Relationship Strengthening: The last period of pregnancy is an opportunity to prepare for the postpartum period. By talking about postpartum support and parenting roles, partners strengthen the relationship and prepare for becoming a family that grows together.
These support dynamics support a healthy relationship between partners in the last period of pregnancy. Open communication, empathy, practical support and co-planning enable partners to support each other and strengthen the relationship.
Important Information
All this shared information is for general informational purposes only and cannot replace professional medical advice. In any health problems or special situations related to your pregnancy process, please contact your doctor first for the most accurate information and guidance. Please note that any health-related decisions and treatment processes should be guided by health professionals as a result of a detailed assessment of your personal health status.